National Federation of the Blind of Utah

May 2024

Board Meeting



National Federation of the blind of Utah



“You can live the life you want; blindness does not hold you back!”


May 1, 2024

7:30 – 8:48 PM. MST.


It’s time to get your baseball game tickets for our fund raiser on June 7th.

There are a couple of sections where many tickets are available. This would be on the 3rd base dugout side sections 18 and 19, but you can pick any section or seat you would like.


We will see you at the game!


2 motions were made and passed for the donations from Utah at national convention. $1000 per fund, 250 for kids camp, 250 for NPbc technology give away, and half of the bequest we received which is $8850


  1. Roll Call:

NFB of Utah Board     of Directors:

president –                              Everette Bacon:           Present

1st Vice President –     Cheralyn Johnson:      Present

2nd Vice President –    Karl Smith:                  Excused

Treasurer –                              Mark Turley:   Excused

Secretary –                              Barbie Elliott: Present

Board Members:

Willie Black:   Present

Laura Vincent:            Late

Ken Duke:       Present

Ned Lindholm:            Present

Jesse Kramer:  Present


The general public was invited to join the meeting.

  1. Welcome and Introductions: see above.
  1. Welcome to Jesse as a first-time board member.
  2. Jesse asked about the braille Lego sets. We did not purchase them but we made a motion in September to purchase 5 Lego sets. Everette said we will work on purchasing them.


  1. National information:
    1. . Presidential release was tonight.
    2. The Rebics cube maker is creating a sensory accessible rebricks cube.
    3. National convention hotel room block is full for 3 of the nights already. There are 2 over flow hotels, the Rozen Plaza and the Rozen Shingle Creek, room rates are the same and shuttles will be run throughout the convention.
    4. Please register as soon as you can to avoid waiting in long lines. Stipends are still available for all convention participants from Utah.
    5. There are more announcements, the presidential release should be available by Friday for chapter meetings.


  1. Local updates:
  1. Upcoming legislative session for 2025. We need to start now if we want to get a bill introduced. May 1st is the first day to send language to state congress. Jan Provost said that she will introduce an accessible pharmacy bill. Everette is also hoping that the blind property tax abatement upgrade will also be introduced next year. Jesse said that because she moved mid-year, she was told that she can’t get the abatement for either house this year or next. Kenn wanted to know how legislation is created.
  2. Everette wants to know about our state donations for national convention. The General fund for canes and independence market and NFB employees. The Journagan Fund helps first timers get to convention and also pays for leadership training. The Sun Fund is a rainy-day fund. The Tenbrook Fund covers the cost of maintaining the national office building. We typically send $1,000 from each fund, $250 for kid’s camp, and half of our bequest that we received this year of $17700. Cheralyn made a motion to give $1,000 to each fund and half of the bequest. It passed unanimously. Willie made a motion and Jesse seconded it and it passed unanimously to give $250 to kid’s camp and $250 as a one-time gift to technology for kids provided by NOPBC.
  3. Beez game tickets for the June 7th fund raiser. Adam asked how to get a ticket, go to Jesse asked for people coming from out of town if we could find accommodations. Everette offered a guest room at his house and others have guest rooms. Share the link with anyone and everyone you know. Keep sharing for great exposer. We hope to have braille alphabet cards with QR code stickers to donate to the NFB of Utah. Cheralyn is planning to head up a team of people who can braille names for anyone. Sarah volunteers printing of the stickers to avoid printing costs, she also lives within walking distance. Cheralyn says her brother would-be happy to do a Hugo Boss fund raiser on May 18th. Willie suggests having friends at the store to hand out QR code stickers to donate and come to the ball game. Everette was excited about that.


  1. State Convention.
  1. Please ask about state convention feedback in chapter meetings.
  2. Willie got feedback saying the venders and consumers liked having a second day of vender time.
  3. Sarah said families wanted a separate room for kids to have activities. Next year have a pool
  4. Talk was held about hotels.


  1. Chapters and divisions.
  1. Red Rocks. April was the hear-see food eating contest. May and June at RI.
  2. Weber-Davis May 18 road to independence meeting place with Iep meetings.
  3. Salt Lake, May liberty park, June DSBVI, talking about changing up locations and a barbecue in August.
  4. Utah Valley, thank you for participating in their fund raiser at convention. May 11th is their next meeting with a guest speaker from Texas sharing the “why I am a federationist speech. Hike in August with students at the Y.
  5. Students Zach says 2 students from Utah are going to a student seminar in Colorado in May. Zachary and Kacey will be going to the Rocky Mountain student seminar.
  6. Spanish Division. Ulvia says the 2024 Spanish Seminar on Friday from 2 to 8 PM. Guest speaker from Mexico City. June 29th is a documentary about an undocumented person who is blind. Ulvia also would like to create an event at the NAC.
  7. Parents division, Sarah said that they had a great meeting with parents and an IEP meeting. This Saturday they have a family camp for small pre-school age children at the blind school in Ogden from 10 to 3. They are looking for volunteers to help. She will provide transportation to as many will fit into their car. Everette said Ryan Green is stepping down and Kait Borg is coming back to take his place at USDB.
  8. Guide dog users, and at large did not give a report.
  9. Bell Academy will be next month in June for 2 weeks.
  10. Ned is gearing up for the science without sight event in July.


  1. Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM.